Silicone Engineering worked closely with a large engineering company who specialise in tunnel construction.

The Lighting Opportunity and Challenge: Reducing the Potential of Volatile Fogging

They were experiencing the problem of fogging within the LED lighting units which light the tunnel and wanted Silicone Engineering to develop a silicone solution to combat this.

Our engineers came to the conclusion that the light quality had decreased due to fogging; a common problem which occurs when volatiles are released from a silicone at high temperatures if the silicone has not been cured properly in manufacture. As the LED lighting heated up, this was causing volatiles to be released and therefore fogging occurred within the unit. Fogging is a problem directly related to the cheaper forms of silicone available on the market.

The Silicone Solution: kSil™ Closed Cell Silicone Sponge

Silicone Engineering worked with the company to select the correct silicone grade for the application, taking other factors into consideration as well.

Not only is fogging a common problem in LED lighting applications when cheap silicone is used, but water and dust ingress occurs too if the silicone is not closed cell.

Our silicone sponge is closed cell with extremely low water absorption and also holds IP rating of IP65 and IP66 ensuring the lighting units are sealing to the highest standards.

To find out more about silicone in other LED Lighting applications click here

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