Silicone Engineering’s innovations have resulted in a marked improvement in dairy production in the United Kingdom.

The cutting-edge silicone manufacturer has now perfected dairy tubing to the point so that its superior performance maximises productivity of milking parlours.

Jim Holden, a dairy farmer from Lancashire, UK, used conventional rubber tubing before switching to Silicone Engineering’s SuraSil™ DS Dairy Tubing.

After continuous use twice a day, his old conventional rubber became hard and corroded inside.

Mr Holden said: “There was a buildup of milk in the cracks and particles of rubber started to enter the milk supply, affecting the quality of the milk and increasing bacteria.”

“On average we used to change the tubing every six months.”

“We began using Silicone Engineering’s specialised dairy tubing and found the quality of the tubing far superior to the rubber.”

As well as being highly flexible, resilient and reliable, dairy silicone tubing must be hygienic – in order to satisfy international food standards.

suraSil™ tubing provides the high tear resistance and rebound properties it takes to stand up to rough treatment by cattle.

It can also withstand temperatures as high as 220°C and as low as -60°C, performing for sustained periods without becoming brittle.

An extremely smooth inner surface prevents the build-up of solids and bacteria.

Mr. Holden said: “When the hygiene clean is completed the silicone allows a thorough clean every time and does not leave any milk residue in the tube at all.”

“This has improved our milk ‘bactoscan’ results – which tests for bacteria in the milk.”

“The surface doesn’t crack or develop perished areas and, therefore, is easy to clean and sterilise, helping to reduce total bacteria counts.”

“Silicone retains its properties so it does not crack. No particles enter into the milk, which increases the quality of our milk supply.”

“The tubing also lasts at least four times longer than the rubber tubing so in the long-term helps to reduce the costs for milking production.”

“Silicone Engineering’s dairy tubing is excellent quality and has outstanding longevity.”

In addition to suraSil™, Silicone Engineering has developed an anti-microbial silicone called neutraSil™, perfect for the food and drink, which actively prevents the growth of harmful bacteria.

Products made from neutraSil™ are raising the standards of safety across the industry.

Dairy tubing from Silicone Engineering is easy to install, maintain and replace.

Silicone is over nine times more hygienic after 12 month’s use than either conventional black rubber or PVC tubing and is four times more durable.

With tighter dairy regulations black rubber now has a much shorter operational life, needing frequent replacement.

Despite higher initial costs, its longevity, along with all the other hygiene and maintenance benefits, makes silicone tubing highly efficient and cost effective.

All dairy tubing can be made to order within 10 working days.

Find out more about suraSil™ and neutraSil™

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